
The main program consists of three audio MP3 tracks. These audio tracks are created using brainwave-synchronization technology audio that speaks directly to your subconscious, to help you eliminate limiting beliefs.

Realign for Success: Letting Go of How Things Will Happen

Each of us has had times in our lives when everything seems to flow seamlessly, when we don’t really have to do anything to make something go our way and everyone in our circle seems to be cooperative.

And then there are times when it feels as though everything we attempt is a struggle, nothing seems to go right and we’re butting heads at every turn. In those moments, it’s resistance that’s causing things to feel like a struggle.

When it seems as though nothing is going your way, it might be that you’re not paying attention to subtle clues that could turn things in your favor.

If you think about and recognize the people in your life, past and current, who have changed you in some way, made some significant contribution to your life, who have made a difference, know that it was always a two way street. You made a difference to them as well.

The acts of giving and receiving are both impactful. Because someone gave to you, you gave meaning to their act of giving. You allowed yourself to receive. So in that moment, you also gave.

Had you not been open to receiving, you would have closed the pathway between yourself and the giver. You would have denied them the experience of giving and you both would have lost whatever it was that was intended for that moment.

So how is your mental framework keeping you from reaching your goals?

There are numerous obstacles or types of resistance that can be keeping you from opening pathways for success. And one path or open doorway will always lead to another.

Being open, dropping resistance and letting go of trying to control how things will happen, will lead you down a path that can show you something you may not anticipate or couldn’t possibly have planned for.

Having a plan is good, but trying to allow for every situation is almost impossible. Be flexible.

These are some common types of resistance that block us from reaching our goals and indicate that you’re trying to control how things will happen.

  • Setting goals too high - Having unrealistic goals will render you helpless in reaching them. Break goals into manageable bits where you can see the end result in a shorter amount of time. Measure your goal against a time frame but be flexible if something goes wrong.
  • Procrastination – Having mixed emotions about what it is you want will keep you from moving forward. Procrastination can stem from outright laziness, lack of preparation, fear of failing, insecurity about your abilities, a lack of awareness about your options, or feeling overwhelmed and not knowing how to get started. Even economic limitations shouldn’t keep you from taking action. Find some small bit you can afford to do and let the rest fall into place. Don’t try to figure it all out at once.
  • Worrying about things that are out of your control – There’s only so much we can control in life. Spending time worrying about those things will debilitate you and stop you from moving forward. Worry is a time waster. If you can’t fix it, leave it.
  • Lack of preparation - Be prepared, getting some training and honing your skills should all be part of your plan. When opportunity strikes, you’ll be able to take advantage of it. If you hit a wall, find a work-around but don’t let it stop you. Be specific about what you want to achieve and make sure the steps you take are relevant to the end result.
  • Mental framework – What you believe you can do is all that you can do. If you hold onto mental roadblocks, thinking you can’t do something, that’s exactly what you’ll achieve. Nothing.
  • Not knowing what you want - Sitting on the fence being unable to make a decision is a form of fear and procrastination. Decide what you want, what you want to achieve and what it will take to make it to the point where you feel you’ve succeeded in that endeavor. Make a list of what you will need and how you’ll go about getting to the end, visualize the end and how it will look, then make a total commitment.
  • Not being open to meaningful coincidence – There are forces greater than ourselves at work. Listen to what others have to offer and learn from that. Y ou may find some comment or idea that can help you.

But in order for any of this to work, you must first learn to release negativity. It can keep you focused on what you can’t do rather than what you can do. It will illuminate all the irritating aspects and keep you from seeing new things. And it will close your mind as a means of protection.

Releasing negativity will help you develop a conscious effort toward your intention; whatever it is you want to achieve.

The consciousness to align yourself with what you want requires you to take control of your habits so you can clearly see your desires and make them happen. The more these practices become habit, imprinting themselves in your brain, the better you’ll get at bringing anything that’s right for you to have.

Remain alert and responsive to the people and coincidences in your life - not only those new coincidences but all the important people who currently surround you - friends, family, co-workers. Anyone close to you very likely has something to show you that will move you forward in your evolutionary process.

Doubt, negativity, resentment, and anger can lead to illness and mutation within cells.

Don’t focus on the past or on the future. Being fully present means you must begin to be at peace with your fears and all your negative thoughts and feelings. Stepping away from them and releasing the energy you’ve given them will allow you to give that energy to new imprints.

You’ll gain insight because you’ve opened up ‘space’, making room for new ideas to come in; you’ll be more aware of opportunities that show up and less focused on trying to manipulate every aspect of your life.

Don't leave empty handed!

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