
The main program consists of three audio MP3 tracks. These audio tracks are created using brainwave-synchronization technology audio that speaks directly to your subconscious, to help you eliminate limiting beliefs.

Strategies for Keeping Yourself Motivated

Motivation is a powerful thing. With it we can change our lives, make new friendships, increase our wealth, learn new skills and an endless array of other things limited only by the imagination. The sky's the limit with sufficient motivation. The truth is, though, when we get an idea that energizes us, that excites us, in that moment we feel motivated. We feel we can move mountains. The problem arises when motivation wanes, as wane it will. What can you do to keep your motivation levels high and healthy?

Write, write and write

As soon as we get our ideas out of our heads and onto something physical, onto real tangible paper, for example, we give those ideas power. We can see an idea out there in the real world. You will sense that you are doing something. And you will be. Even with the best plans, whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not, just having them locked away in our heads will see them fade away. By getting the plan out there in the real world you give it substance. The written language is powerful. And when you've written it down, keep it close to hand. You can make notes on your smartphone, or some people prefer the organic feel of a pen flowing over paper to maximize the creative elements. Whatever the case, get it in writing and keep it handy, somewhere you can see it and be reminded of your goal.

Be aware of possible setbacks

Understand that in achieving anything of worth, inevitably there are going to be setbacks. Undoubtedly setbacks will trigger feelings of diminished energy. Don't be surprised. Just work through it. Research will enable you to be forewarned about these potential setbacks and such foreknowledge will enable you to prepare for them. Be mindful that some of them will be things over which you have control, and others will be things over which you have none. Learn to know the difference. Focus on the solutions over the ones you can to some degree control.

Focus on the goal

Don't let your mind focus on what you don't want to happen. Focus instead on what you want. If we focus on the thing we don't want, we tend to give energy to the thing we don't want creating more of the same. It's almost as if deep down in the subconscious, your mind can't tell the difference between what you want and what you want to avoid and it simply works towards the images you hold there in your mind. Therefore focus on what you want while refusing to dwell on the thing you're trying to change. So for example, if you desire to change your job, don't focus on how much you hate your current job and want to be free of it to do something else, focus on the new job that you are aiming for while giving no energy to how much you despise your current employment. Give your energy to what you want.

Reward yourself

When you achieve a goal, give yourself a reward. It doesn't have to be big and expensive-- just something that reinforces the idea that when you work towards achieving your goals there will be rewards. Give yourself the morning off. Have a lie in. Go to the cinema. Go out for a meal instead of cooking at home. Find something that appeals to you and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

On the matter of goals...

Make sure that your overarching goal is broken down into smaller goals that are achievable while at one and the same time challenging. It's important for you to gauge just how challenging they should be. Make sure that you feel a sense of achievement, therefore there should be some level of difficulty when setting goals, but they should also be achievable. Also fit your smaller goals into a realistic time frame. Ensure that you know how much you will achieve by the end of tomorrow, for example. When you have achieved or reached a certain target, go and reward yourself.

Banish negative talk

We hear a lot of talk about being positive that it almost sounds a little trite. But it's heard time and time again for a good reason - because there is undeniable truth in it. One of the best ways to be positive is to speak positively, even if this is to yourself. Learn some positive affirmations that work for you. The internet is full of them if you simply type 'positive quotes' into a search engine. Imagine Churchill hitting his stick hard on the ground and declaring, 'Never, never, never give in--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense.' Internalise quotes from great achievers such as this and draw on them when energy starts to fall.

Be a self-starter

Don't expect others to get you going. You will wait a long time. Be determined to motivate yourself. Have an action plan for the day. Do what needs to be done. Reward yourself when you've achieved something. Break down your larger goals into smaller goals and fit those smaller goals inside a time frame. Make what you do achievable but challenging. Stretch yourself, but don't break yourself.

Implementing these suggestions won't mean you'll be 100 percent geared up to go 24/7, but it will mean that you will have the tools to overcome on those days when motivation is on the wane. We can all fly when we feel ultra-motivated, but it's during those days when we're in the doldrums, when not much seems to be happening, when we get to see what we're really all about on the inside and when our mettle is tested. So keep motivated, look beyond the obstacles and the problems and forward to achieving your goal. Move forward knowing that by applying these principles your motivation will soon return and you'll be energized once again to make your goal or indeed goals a reality.

Don't leave empty handed!

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